MF King has a team of in house Heavy vehicle design engineers that can design and certify any of your transport requirements.
LT400 Repairs.
VTNZ repairs
Draw beam/bar re certification
Tow eye replacements
Certified design of new build bodies
Body mounts
Fitting of cranes/tail lifts etc
Load anchorage points
Lifting points
Rust repairs
Chassis modifications
Repairs and maintenance make up 60% of our work. The transport industry relies on fast turn around of repairs and the required LT400 certification process. Having in-house certifiers ensures we can turn around the necessary certification paperwork the same day as the job is completed.
We don’t only certify our repairs, our certifiers have the ability to travel around the wellington region to carryout inspections on what ever repairs and manufacturing projects you may be working on.
We also travel down to Blenheim once a month to carryout certifications for a number of clients we have in the area. If your in the area, get in touch and we can fit you into the next trip
Along with our talented personal we also have a suite of the latest Solid Works Software which enables us to take your design idea and turn it into a three dimensional object. This software also gives us the ability to run strength calculations, predict stress points and simulate all moving parts. Meaning we can encounter most manufacturing problems before we start the job on the workshop floor.